eSymptoms - Medical symptoms, conditions, and more

Articles are well-referenced for accuracy,
Yet written originally in understandable terms.
eSymptoms provides clear medical information.


Terms of Use


Last edited: 12/15/2010

eSymptoms Service

Welcome to eSymptoms. Please read this document carefully before surfing further on this website, or making use of any information contained therein. Your use of this website is conditioned upon your acceptance of all terms and conditions in this agreement and its incorporated documents. By using this website or making use of the content therein, you are entering into a legal agreement with eSymptoms, formally indicating your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this agreement, and agree to be bound by such terms and conditions, as well as any future updates should you return at the time to use this website or make use of the content therein. You also represent and warrant you have all the necessary right, power and authority to enter into this agreement and to perform the acts required of you hereunder.

eSymptoms is a free service provided to educate visitors about medical symptoms and diseases or conditions. The service shall be provided on an as is and as available basis. eSymptoms disclaims all responsibility and liability for the availability, timeliness, security and reliability of the service. eSymptoms reserves the right to modify, suspend or discontinue the service with or without notice, at any time, for any reason, and without holding any liability toward you.

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eSymptoms shall, at no time, be held liable for any result of your use of or inability to use the service or any content provided on the Website, the results including, but not limited to, information dissemination, legal proceedings against you, damages (actual or consequential), suits, losses, judgments, litigation costs, attorneys' fees, illness, death, and any other consequences, of every kind and nature. eSymptoms shall at no time be held liable for your use of third-party websites displayed via hyperlinks on the website. eSymptoms makes no guarantees regarding such third-party websites, their services, their claims or the veracity thereof, or any other matter regarding those third parties. eSymptoms disclaims all responsiblity for your use of these sites, actions done therein, and any and every consequence thereof.

eSymptoms may, at its discretion, terminate the service, for one, any or all users, at any time, with or without any notice. eSymptoms may, at its discretion, discontinue the service, discontinue portions of the service, modify the service, or add to the service.

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eSymptoms is made available for personal use only. eSymptoms may not be used by any party for business endeavors, unless written permission is first requested and received from eSymptoms. Use of the eSymptoms website requires that you be a minimum of 13 years of age, or first provide written parental consent to eSymptoms if you are under the age of 13.

You are responsible for every consequence of your use of the service. You agree that you will use the service in compliance with all laws, rules and regulations, whether local, state, national or international. You shall never use the service for any illegal, fraudulent or inappropriate purpose, nor in any way which violates the Terms of Use or Privacy Policy. eSymptoms reserves the right to investigate your use of the service, in order to determine whether a violation of the Terms and Use or any other rule set forth by eSymptoms has taken place, as well as to comply with any applicable law, regulation or legal process, or per government request.


All content and hyperlinks provided on the website are for general educational and informational purposes only. Such items are not intended to be a substitute for professional diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice. All content prepared by eSymptoms is accurate to the best of its knowledge, however, eSymptoms disclaims itself from any liability or responsibility relating to content on this website, as well as for any inaccurate, misleading, outdated, incomplete or missing information, and the results and consequences, direct and indirect, actual and consequential, of your making use of any content contained on this website. eSymptoms also specifically disclaims itself from any liability or responsibility relating to any content of third-party advertisements which appear on the eSymptoms service, as well as the content of the websites that are hyperlinked to by such advertisements. eSymptoms also specifically disclaims itself from any liability or responsibility relating to any potential reprinted reader responses or contributions.

Privacy Policy

As a condition to using the eSymptoms service, you agree to the full terms and conditions of the Privacy Policy.


You agree to hold harmless and indemnify eSymptoms, its affiliates, agents and all Members from and against any third-party claim arising from or in any way related to your use of the service, including, but not limited to, any liability or expense arising from all claims, losses, damages (actual and consequential), suits, judgments, litigation costs and attorneys' fees, of every kind and nature. In such a case, eSymptoms shall provide you with notice of such a claim, suit or action, if possible.

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